The Wait Is Over

Get Your Freelancer ID
Apply Now

Get accredited by the government of Bangladesh of your Freelance Work and Online Earnings. This virtual card will identify you as a freelancer and verify your earnings and career reputation.

Start Your Career in Freelancing & Eliminate Unemployment

In 2020 the traditional and conventional beliefs of developing one's career is changing. In fact, it has already changed. You don't need to line up for the limited job opportunities that are available within the country. It's time to look beyond our country's borders and seek global opportunities. Find out what you can do to achieve this.

Tutorials Hub: Learn Emerging & Highly In Demand Skills

Learn directly from the best freelancers of Bangladesh on 72 different skills thorough interactive video tutorials. These are the top and high in demand skillsets that will help you to build your career in the world of online work.

The Freelancing Development Ecosystem

A complete solution for both new freelancers and for already established freelancers

Freelancer ID

Freelancers ID is an identity card issued by the Government of Bangladesh to the freelancers and online workers. Learn more about Freelancers ID card and submit your application.

Freelancer ID

Freelancers ID is an identity card issued by the Government of Bangladesh to the freelancers and online workers. Learn more about Freelancers ID card and submit your application.
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Freelancers events is a hub for all freelancing and online related events. You’ll find events details listed here that are organized locally, nationally, internationally and online.


Freelancers events is a hub for all freelancing and online related events. You’ll find events details listed here that are organized locally, nationally, internationally and online.
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Tutorial Hub

Tutorial Hub is an upcoming feature of Freelancers portal where you’ll find complete tutorials on various skills. All tutorials are prepared by the top freelancers of our country

Tutorial Hub

Tutorial Hub is an upcoming feature of Freelancers portal where you’ll find complete tutorials on various skills. All tutorials are prepared by the top freelancers of our country
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Mentor Marketplace

Need some one-to-one training to develop your freelancing skills? Find qualified mentors at Mentor Marketplace to enhance your experience and prepare yourself to win in a competitive market.

Mentor Marketplace

Need some one-to-one training to develop your freelancing skills? Find qualified mentors at Mentor Marketplace to enhance your experience and prepare yourself to win in a competitive market.
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Freelancer Banking

Find all banking and finance-related services and solutions at one palace including special accounts and cards for freelancers, 10% cash incentive, details on dealing with tax etc.

Freelancer Banking

Find all banking and finance-related services and solutions at one palace including special accounts and cards for freelancers, 10% cash incentive, details on dealing with tax etc.
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Special Offers

Special discounts and bonus offers that are created by various retail outlets and services exclusively only for freelancers are now available in one place. Claim your offers now

Special Offers

Special discounts and bonus offers that are created by various retail outlets and services exclusively only for freelancers are now available in one place. Claim your offers now
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Reach out to the large freelancing community of Bangladesh and stay connected. Find details of all freelancing related social media groups and other online and offline based resources


Reach out to the large freelancing community of Bangladesh and stay connected. Find details of all freelancing related social media groups and other online and offline based resources
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Freelancers Welfare

Learn more about different elements of the Freelancers Welfare program including Freelancers Retirement Program, Freelancers SOS, Policy Assistance, and Marketplace Communication Assist

Freelancers Welfare

Learn more about different elements of the Freelancers Welfare program including Freelancers Retirement Program, Freelancers SOS, Policy Assistance, and Marketplace Communication Assist
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Get Ready for Freelancer Super App!

Everything you'll need to build and maintain a successful freelancing career - packed inside one Super App!

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Freelancer Success Stories

Nahid Hasan: Story of a Dreamer who Walks the Extra Mile
‘If you want to go fast, go alone, and if you want to go far, go in a group’ – this is an African...
Khairul Alam- The Tech Inspiration at the Bay of Bengal!
No, we are not talking about any naval might! Rather how reliably Bangladesh has become the world’s second-largest...
খায়রুল আলম - বাংলাদেশকে এগিয়ে নেয়ার পথে অগ্রগামী ভূমিকায় ‘ফ্লিট বাংলাদেশ’
না, আমরা কোনো রণতরী বা নৌবহরের কথা বলছি না। বরং ফ্রিল্যান্সিং দুনিয়ায় কিভাবে বাংলাদেশ আজকে দ্বিতীয়-সর্বোচ্চ...
শহিদুল আলম খান - কর্পোরেট সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ার থেকে ফুলটাইম ফ্রিলান্সার
শহিদুল আলম খান সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং থেকে পড়াশোনা শেষ করে দীর্ঘ ১২ বছর কর্পোরেট সেক্টরে কাজ করেছেন। বর্তমানে...
Faisal Mridha Roni - An Inspirational Story of Being A Successful Freelancer
Faysal Mridha Roni is one of the most successful freelancers in Bangladesh. In 2015 his journey started...
ফয়সাল মৃধা রনির সাফ্যলের গল্প
ফয়সাল মৃধা রনি একজন পেশাদার ওয়েব ডেভলপার এবং ফ্রিল্যান্সার। একজন সফল ফ্রিল্যান্সার হিসাবে তাঁর অভিজ্ঞতা...
MD Shamim Sarder - A self-motivated freelancer
MD Shamim Sarder is a freelancer working in the website designing and developing sector.  Today he is...
মো. শামীম সরদার- একজন আত্মপ্রত্যয়ী ফ্রিল্যান্সার
মো. শামীম সরদার একজন ওয়েবসাইট ডিজাইনিং ও ডেভেলপিং সেক্টরে কর্মরত ফ্রিল্যান্সার। নিজের দৃঢ় মনোবলের মাধ্যমে...