Freelancing and outsourcing is now a trending topic in many countries of the world including Bangladesh. Especially to the young youth, who want to build their own employment path in addition to education. Freelancing is a profession where anyone can bring great success from scratch with their talent. For those who don’t want to go out and work, freelancing can be a source of income. You can work from any place at any time, you don’t have to cross the traffic jam to go to the office, you can work from home independently. The biggest advantage of working in ICT sector is that with the help of a laptop and internet connection it is possible to do a lot of work from home. Due to the convenience of working from home, the demand for freelancing work has increased manifold. The world’s largest companies are start to thinking about freelancing.
The Global State of Freelancing
The Corona epidemic has reduced the financial costs of businesses around the world. All the organizations want to make proper use of their investment by overcoming the loss of corona. As a result, companies have added new jobs to their outsourcing list. Even large international companies are doing their work with freelancers. Freelancers have the opportunity to work as accountants and auditors in these organizations.
The freelancing revolution has come in the coronal period, the demand for it’s work has increased. Steve Jobs said in 2003, “Great things in business are never done by one person,They are done by a team of people”. The world has moved away from the idea of one hundred alone in the last century. That is why the market for outsourcing professionals has been created all over the world. Our country is not lagging behind in outsourcing. More than six lakh people in Bangladesh are involved in outsourcing work, which ranks third in the world in outsourcing list,. The government has started thinking about freelancing. Freelancing has not stopped even though all the work has stopped due to the Corona epidemic. A recent Forbes report says the freelance revolution is spreading. The demand for new jobs is emerging in the global freelancing marketplaces. Apart from this, the income of Up work, Fiber and has increased during the coronation period.
The Current State of Freelancing in the Country
For the global Corona situation, job opportunities for freelancers has been increased. They are getting paid more than before due to work pressure and increasing demand of freelancers. Meanwhile, due to Corona, online freelancers are able to spend more time at work.
In Corona’s situation, the youths were suddenly trapped in the house for a lockdown. At this time, various online based apps became their means of communication. They are now much more active online as the internet facility expands. Before Corona, it was almost impossible to have online classes, meetings, ceremonies. People did not accept it well. As a result, students had to come to Dhaka for any good quality training for freelancing. In Dhaka, many marginalized people do not get the opportunity to receive good quality training due to housing problems, food and security problems. Now that famous freelancers have taken their courses online, there is an equal participation among apprentice freelancers across the country. Again, the cost of renting a classroom or venue is saved, so the cost of freelancing courses is reduced. Students are getting the opportunity to increase their skills with less money. As the demand for freelancing increases globally, successful freelancers want to grow their team faster and so are training for free. High speed internet has helped them to use various mediums like WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet.
Online Freelancing Training
The training required for freelancing can be found online. Since the school and college are closed due to Corona, the students are showing interest in. Students are able to do these courses online at a convenient time at home and at a much lower cost. And they are engaging in various skill-enhancing activities at home.
All training centers are currently closed due to corona. As a result, students are increasingly interested in online training. They are being able to actively participate through laptops and internet from any part of the country. In the meantime, the 4G network has come and opened the door to possibilities. No one has to lag behind in getting high quality internet at home. Evidence that online freelancing courses are playing a dynamic role even in the stagnant state of Corona can be seen by seeing twice as many students and interested people in Facebook groups as before.
The current demand for freelancing is huge. That demand has grown even more because of the corona virus. Thousands of young people have learned to earn by working from home. This demand will continue to grow even after Corona