Personal branding on platforms like LinkedIn allows freelancers to transform themselves from generic to remarkable.

If you want people to recognize your worth, have a steady flow of income, and work fewer hours, it’s time to build your brand.

Once you manage to establish your brand, you will witness a continuous flow of opportunities and clients. Keep growing your network to make yourself a known face among high-quality clients. 


10 Easy Steps To Build A Robust Freelancer Brand On LinkedIn

(Source: Payoneer)

Reasons To Build Your Personal Brand 

1.  No Longer Chasing After Clients

If you are struggling to gain financial stability, it is evident that you are chasing after clients. Desperation is not appealing in the freelancing industry. 

2.  Overloading Yourself With Projects

Sometimes freelancers experience a plethora of attractive projects. To grab all assignments at once, you often end up bidding too much. With too much to do on your plate, you are sure to lose your focus.

3.  Dealing With Unattractive Projects Or Unreasonable Clients

Not all projects and clients will meet your expectations. Chasing after a client for days only to realize they are unreasonable leads to a loss of resources. But since you are in dire need of work, you will fail to say no to such clients.

4.  Lack Of Niche

Without a personal brand, you will end up doing various types of work. Trying to go with everything will ultimately lead to nothing. 

5.  Lack Of Personal Time

When you are trying to complete all available projects, you will end up with no time for yourself. Working too hard will stress you out and offer a limited scope of self-growth.Stand out from the rest by creating your LinkedIn profile. You can add value to your work and generate more flawless work.

How To Build A Robust Personal Freelancer Brand On LinkedIn? 

1.  Find Your Unique Talents

LinkedIn is nothing without a unique voice. Clearly define your voice, purpose, and niche to attract potential clients.

It will help you to blend with the right mix of clients and create content that will effectively build your brand. 

Start with exploring your capabilities and how you add value to your client’s lives. It will help you define your target market and cater to a specific niche. Establish your voice by questioning yourself the following.

2.  Use Keyword Optimization On Your LinkedIn Profile

Make your profile easy to locate on LinkedIn by using impactful keyword optimization. Use keywords that your targeted clients will use while looking for a freelancer. Write down skills that are most sought after and witness an increased work inflow.

LinkedIn has a high domain authority on Google, and using the right keywords on your profile will serve multiple purposes. It will enable your profile to appear on the first page of a search result on Google.

It will also display some of your featured articles. Try controlling the Google SERP for your targeted keywords. 

3.  Establish And Grow Your Personal Network

You must aim for a minimum of 500 connections to grow your network. You can use the search function to locate ideal clients and create a network.

Use ‘All Filters’ to quickly narrow down your results or select ‘People Filters’ to search for current businesses, locations, or connections.

You can also filter your search results based on the demographics. You can use the location filter to locate clients that come from the same area.

4.  Make Use Of The ‘Featured Skills And Endorsements’ Tool

If you can add six or more skills to your profile, you have 27x more possibilities to appear in the client’s search results. Build your network to ask for more endorsements. 

The more endorsements you can collect in a particular skill, the greater your chances to get found. 

5.  Create An Appealing Profile Summary

To connect with your target clients, you need to build a meaningful profile summary. Describe your strong points and how you can add value to other’s businesses. Illustrate how your services will benefit them.

You can add up to 2,000 characters to the profile summary. Make sure to add keywords and a robust CTA. 

6.  Optimize Your Headline

People will, at first, notice the headline of your LinkedIn profile. In about 120 characters, describe why companies should opt for your brand. 

LinkedIn will use your current job title as the headline, but you can easily edit it to showcase yourself flawlessly.

10 Easy Steps To Build A Robust Freelancer Brand On LinkedIn

(Source: Payoneer)

7.  Craft Your LinkedIn Company Page

Include only reputable clients with which you have worked in your LinkedIn profile. It will elevate your professional brand and boost your visibility.

Talk about your experience and add credibility to your brand. It will add a professional touch to your freelance business. 

8.  Create Original Content To Demonstrate Your Skills

Illustrate your unique services by creating original content. It will help you attract top-level clients.

You can also include videos, infographics, images, and presentations in your set of skills. Showcase your expertise by publishing the best quality content. 

9.  Build Positive Relationships

By successfully using the LinkedIn platform, you can establish connections with your clients. Leverage your network to generate quality leads.

Make use of LinkedIn features to build, nurture, and retain relationships within your established network. 

10.  Be Authentic

Factor in authenticity on LinkedIn if you want a personal brand with long-term success and profits. Use your own set of unique skills, values, and passion, and stand apart from the rest. 

Final Thoughts

Personal branding offers tremendous scope to marketing yourself and your career strategically. Letting others shape your worth will make a brand a commodity in the world economy.

Manage how you want to be perceived by others and build your own brand as a freelancer. It will differentiate you from other freelancers and make people invest in your brand.

Follow our ten easy personal branding tricks to establish yourself on LinkedIn.