Are you done with working for others and want to start something of your own? You may not be aware of the growing importance of web development in today’s digitalized world. With the exceeding demand for web developers, you can earn thousands of dollars without much ado.
Web development is easier than you think. All you need to learn is a few technical skills, like JavaScript and coding. Be it from free YouTube videos or a paid course; you can excel in this field within a short period. What’s next? Entrepreneurs will pay you big for your skills!
You may be wondering how to become a freelance web developer? It is super easy. Sit tight and go through the following steps!
How to Become a Freelance Web Developer?
The first and most basic step is acing the skill. To become a successful freelance web developer, you need to master the web developing techniques. Building websites not only for them to look attractive but also easy to use and provide relevant information.
That is not all. Web development also includes creating and managing web programs and applications. However, you need to start from the beginning, i.e., learning how to code. It is the behind the scene work that is done to present an eye-catching, user-friendly website.
You can opt to learn coding languages such as JavaScript, Python, HTML, PHP, CSS, and so many more. You cannot master all of them, nor can you learn the basics of each. It is practically impossible. What you can do is pick the ones that are the most required.
Businesses around the world are looking for web developers with JavaScript and PHP. Nevertheless, you can dig up some more about the preferred coding languages by clients on websites such as UpWork, etc.
Once you have shortlisted 2-3 of them, you can set to the learning part. It may take you a few weeks or a month to get a clear understanding of how to code. It can be done through YouTube video tutorials or special courses from various online websites.
Apart from having complete independence of work time, place, and project choice, you will gain monetary benefits that you cannot ignore. You may be curious about how much freelance web developers make. Read on to know.
How Much Do Freelance Web Developers Make?
It all comes to the experience you have and how skilled you are at web development. As a beginner, you may charge $20-$30 per hour. Still, you can earn more from the beginning itself if you can convince your clients. Tell them how good you are at the job, and your salary may even reach $60/hour.
You can choose to approach clients through your local as well as digital networks or resort to the various freelancing websites. According to the online freelancing portals, the average salary of a web developer is $60/hour. Once you have enough experience, it may even reach $100. Who knows!
On the whole, freelance web developers make around $70,000 to $100,000 per annum. It is as good as other full-time professionals, and mostly, even better.
It is so because most of the companies are taking their business online for a higher reach. Every new business or an offline one can be a potential client for you. The opportunities are endless!
How to Start Freelancing Web Development?
Having learned about what’s in store for you, it is time to know how to start freelancing web development. Once you have a complete know-how of at least 2 coding languages, you can start building your career as a freelancing web developer. Here’s how.
Create Your Brand
If you want clients to choose you over others, give them a reason to do so. You must present yourself in a way that is unique to you. The best way to showcase your expertise is by creating a website.
Through a personalized website, you can show the world what you got. From coding to designing skills, you can portray all your talents via your website. Furthermore, it will reflect your professionalism and sincerity.
Determining your pricing policy is an equally important factor. You may not be at a stage where you can charge a lot. Still, with your website all-ready, you can go for a decent amount. You can expect the clients to accept the amount once they are convinced of your skills presented.
Tip: You must charge clients based on the projects instead of hours. In this way, you will get the same amount of money for the job even though you spend fewer hours.
Market Your Skills
No one will visit your website until they are not aware of its existence. From a crowd of thousands of web developers, why should anyone choose you? You need to market your skills online as well as offline.
Apart from those already present online, tap the firms and entrepreneurs that haven’t taken their business online. Such businesses have maximum opportunities for you.
Learn. Learn. Learn.
The world of the internet is changing by the minute, with new updates flooding all the time. To stay in the front line, you must make sure to keep learning and refreshing your skills. Moreover, as you take up new projects, your experience and skills will automatically grow.
Improve and Expand
Once you have served enough clients, their feedback on your website or other freelancing platforms will be your stepping stone. Based on your experience, you can elevate your pricing policy and expand the services offered.
Wrap Up
Even if you think your expertise is not high enough, you have an array of resources at your disposal. From search engines to free guides, courses, and books, the list is endless. Though the journey will be challenging, its results are sure to be worth it.
All you need to do is showcase your talent well and build your reputation. The rest will happen itself. Love what you do, and your clients will automatically do so too.
So, what are you waiting for? Work hard and make your work a roller coaster that only goes up!